School Meals
School meals are cooked on the premises and the children eat them in the dining hall, together with those who have brought their own packed lunches.
Thorley Hill is unusual in allowing children to opt for a mixture of school dinners and packed lunches during the week.
We have a system of Pupil Choice at Thorley Hill. Every day the children are able to decide what they would like to eat for lunch when they answer the register in the morning. Parents/Carers are able to guide them in their choice as a menu is regularly sent home to enable discussion to take place. The menus are also easily accessible by clicking here.Free School Meals for Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One children
All children in Reception and Key Stage One are entitled to a free school meal if they wish to have one.
Accessing the Pupil Premium Funding for Early Years Foundation Stage
and Key Stage One children
If you are a parent or carer and you receive one of the benefits listed below, your child may be eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant. This Grant releases extra funding into our school, enabling us to provide additional support for those children in receipt of it. For additional information on the way that Thorley Hill uses the Pupil Premium funding please look under the Statutory Information menu page of our website.
To ensure that the funding is released into school you must register on the Herts Direct Free School Meal Page or phone the number listed below.
Registering is vitally important as it ensures that your child receives the additional support that they are entitled to.
Registering for Free School Meals in Key Stage Two
Children in Key Stage Two are not automatically entitled to a free school meal. If as a parent or carer you receive one of the benefits listed, your child may be eligible for a free school meal and the Pupil Premium Grant. Again the Grant releases extra funding into our school, enabling us to provide additional support for those children in receipt of it. You must register on the Herts Direct Free School Meal Page or phone the number listed below to ensure your child receives a free school meal and to release the funding that enables us to provide the additional support.
Benefits that qualify for the Pupil Premium Grant/Free School Meal
• Income support;
• income-based jobseekers allowance;
• income-related employment and support allowance;
• support under immigration and asylum law;
• the guarantee part of state pension credit;
• child tax credit and you have an annual income of £16,190 before tax or less;
• working tax credit during the 4 week run on period.
* Please note that if you receive both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit we will not be able to claim the pupil premium grant.
How to register for The Pupil Premium Grant/Free School Meals
- Online: At
- Phone: 0300 123 4048
A fruit or vegetable snack is provided free of charge to those children in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage One. Milk is also free for Nursery children and can be ordered, at minimal cost, for those children in Key Stage One. Register at
Children in Key Stage Two are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat at morning break.